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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Some exercises about the -ed endings (with solutions)

As promised in my post about the pronunciation of  -ed forms, here you have some exercises about the -ed endings. Remember:
a) If the last sound in the infinitive is voiceless, then the past is pronounced [t]
b) If the last sound of the infinitive is voiced, then the past is pronounced [d]
c) If the last sound of the infinitive is [d] or [t], then the past is pronounced [ɪd]
d) There are some adjectives which are not past tenses which are pronounced  [ɪd]

Classify the following -ed forms according to their pronunciation:

produced, walked, needed, danced, closed, laughed, crooked, transformed, completed, watched, received, naked, wanted, washed, downloaded, fished, opened, seated, expelled, contracted, wicked, packed, liked, played, stopped,

[d]                      [t]                      [ɪd]


[d]: transformed, received, expelled, played, opened, closed

[t]: produced, walked, danced, laughed, watched, washed, fished, packed, liked, stopped

[ɪd]: needed, completed, wanted, downloaded, seated, contracted and the adjectives: crooked, naked and wicked.

How did it go ? I hope OK. From now on, I will start uploading material like this is a new section of exercises. I hope you enjoy it ! 

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