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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Exercises about blends

Here you have some exercises about blends. Please read my post about blends and then do the exercises. Remember ! Try to do them by yourselves and then check the answers down below  !

1. Identify the two words that originated the following blends. Some of the words are names of animals, creatures, people and companies. Try to provide a definition for the word. Have a look at the example:
0) Brunch = __breakfast + lunch __: a meal where you eat some food typical in breakfast (like milk) and some food typical in lunch (like pizza).

a) Intelcom =
b) Bulbasaur =
c) frenemy =
d) globish =
e) flirtationship =
f) Sharknado =
g) textpectation =
h) alcopop =
i) Wiktionary =
j) Pokémon =
k) chocnut =
l) Popsicle =
m) Digimon =

2. Join the two words into one blend. Have a look at the example:
0) Work + alcoholic = workaholic
a) spoon + fork =
b) web + episode =
c) banana + toffee =
d) cosmetic + pharmaceutical =
e) chocolate + vanilla =
f) lion + tiger =
g) advertising + entertainment = 
h) information + commercial =
i) Brad Pitt + Angelina Jolie = 
j) Ben Affleck + Jennifer López = 

3. Invent and create new words using the technique of blending. You can think of new animals, the names of companies, new flavours, new objects... Then provide a definition for your invented word and, if possible, draw it. 


a) intelligence + communication: a company devoted the the implementation of new technologies to improve communication
b) bulb + dinosaur: A monster similar to a dinosaur with a bulb on its back.
c) friend + enemy:  A friend who is your rival at the same time.
d) global +  English
e) flirtation + relationship: A friendship with someone where there is flirtation implied.  
f) shark + tornado 
g) text + expectation: Expectation and impatience when you are expecting a text message.
h) alcohol + sodapop: A bottle of alcoholic drink mixed with other refreshments.
i) Wiki + dictionary: The dictionary of Wikipedia.
j) pocket + monsters: Monsters that you can keep in your pockets.
k) chocolate + hazelnut: A mixture of chocolate and hazelnut.
l) pop + icicle: An ice lolly similar to an icicle.
m) digital + monster

a) spork
b) webisode
c) banoffee
d) cosmeceutical
e) choconilla
f) liger
g) advertainment
h) infomercial 
i) Brangelina
j) Beniffer

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