1. Some other verbs related to vision :
a) eye: To look at someone with attention from top to bottom, to examine, e.g. he eyed the two suspects to see if they were hiding something.

b) peek: To look at something quickly or secretly, e.g. peek at the money stored in a safe box.
c) Peep: To look at something through a small opening.

d) Peer: To look hard at something which is difficult to see.

e) Squint: To look with the eyes partly closed.

f) Scrutinize: To examine in detail, observe with attention.

g) Skim: To read quickly, to have a quick look.
h) Scan: To read a text for specific information.

i) Contemplate: To look at something closely, for example, contemplate the sea.

j) Spot: To locate something specific with your eyes, for instance, spot Waldo.

k) Sight: To see something from a long distance, e.g. sight something from a ship.

l) Witness: To see somethings happen by oneself, as in witness a robbery.

2. Formal synonyms of the verb 'see'
Some verbs can be used in formal English to express vision:
- Regard
- View
- Behold
3. Complex expressions related to vision
-Take notice = notice, observe
- Have a look at / take a look at/ take a gander at= look at
- Lay eyes on someone = eye someone, observe someone
- Catch sight of = See something
- Catch a glimpse of = Have a quick look at something.
- Open your eyes = Pay attention
- In the blink of an eye = Very quickly
Well, you see? English is quite an interesting language with a wide variety of expressions related to vision, so enrich your language and use them all!
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