This year, I thought it might be a good idea to revise your vocab related to relationships! So, I'll be delving into some expressions that you can use when talking about relationships.
Expressions related to the beginning of a relationship

- Woo/court someone (=be courteous so to persuade that person to go out with you)
- Ask someone out (for a date)
- To strike up a relationship (=to begin)
-To be in a relationship
- I'm dating someone / I'm seeing someone/ I'm going out with someone
- Have a blind date with someone you don't know / go on a date with someone
- Fall in love with someone / fall for someone / fancy someone / have a crush on someone.
- Flirt with someone / chat someone up (=when you try to find a partner). When you flirt with someone, you may be looking for a hook up / one night stand (nothing so serious) or for a steady relationship. If you are good at flirting with others you are considered to be a heart-breaker / a Romeo / a Casanova
- It was love at first sight.
- You can fall heads over heels in love (=love someone very ardently)
If you are interesting in passing to the next level (wedding, I mean), do not miss my entry on wedding vocab!

Expressions of love

- You can kiss your partner passionately
- You can hug each other / you can embrace someone
- You can cuddle someone
- You get along (=get on well)
- You can get on like a house on fire (=very well)
- You can hit it off (=become very good friends quickly)
- You can cheer someone up / you can cherish someone
Problems in a relationship

- You can argue / have a big argument / bicker over something
- You can have a big row/ quarrel
- You can fall out with your beloved (=argue and stop talking to her/him)
- You can fight like cat and dog.
- To break the other's heart (=to deeply disappoint someone)
Expressions related to the end of a relationship

They broke up / they split up
She dumped him only to find another man.
A smooth breakup vs. a rough breakup
Get over a breakup
If you don't love the other person, it is better to end the relationship.
After breaking up with someone, that person becomes your ex.
We couldn't make sense

Well, do you have a Valentine to cherish this year? Have you got any interesting plans for next Wednesday? I hope so. Anyway, if you are into songs and want to practise your English over a song dealing with relationships, click on the link.
I hope you have a great St. Valentine's day!
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