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Friday, November 24, 2017

Thanksgiving must-watch videos to practise your listening

Hello there ! Are you here listening to my blog or, rather, are you shopping for bargains on this Black Friday ? Over the last two years, I wrote two posts about Thanksgiving : one about Thanksgiving traditions and another one with Thanksgiving material for you to improve your English.  Today I'm bringing you two hilarious videos related to Thanksgiving that will put your listening comprehension to a test. Each video has different questions that you need to answer and, as usual, you can see the answers under the questions. Are you ready? Here you have the first one. It's the history of Thanksgiving told and dramatised by some innocent children. A must-watch video !

1. How does the first boy describe the pilgrims ?
2. According to the girl, why did the pilgrims go to America ?
3. How did they get to America ? What's the name of the transport they used ?
4. According to the children, how long did they take to cross the ocean ? (3 answers)
5. They were really cold, what did the forget to bring to America ?
6. How do you say corn in American English ?
7. What did the Indians teach the pilgrims ? And according to the children ?
8. What does the the chief of the Indians say ?
9. What did they have in the banquet? 

Here you have the second video. This one is related about the quirks of Thanksgiving.

Listen to the video and choose the right answer a), b) c)

1. The First Thanksgiving feast :
a) lasted one day
b) included eating and other activities
c) celebrated the Indian's first successful harvest

2. In the first Thanksgiving menu : 
a) didn't include cranberries
b) included turkey
c) included deer provided by the Indians

3. Thanksgiving :
a) was celebrated every year until 1789
b) wasn't celebrated in subsequent years
c) immediately became a national holiday

4. Some traditional Thanksgiving dishes such as stuffing are due to :
a) a writer's idea
b) an idea established in a diary of a pilgrim
c) to historical reasons : Pilgrims would often cook those dishes

5. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday :
a) because Franklin Delano Roosevelt did so in 1939
b) as was established by Abraham Lincoln 
c) as a result of different protests

6. One of the quirkiest traditions is :
a) turkey pardoning
b) turkey slaughtering
c) saving turkey farms

Answers to the first video :
1) "The pilgrims was a bunch of people that wore belt buckets on their heads."
2) They came to America because they wanted to go to a church, but the king of England wouldn't let them. 
3) They got to America onboard a ship called the Mayflower. 
4) 8 days / 4 months / 100 days.
5) They forgot to bring blankets.
6) Maize
7) They taught them how to grow crops, how to hunt and how to dance. According to the children they also taught them how to grow stuff like flowers, how to learn race bicycles and how to shop. 
8) he says :" I bet there won't be problems between the Englishmen and the native American ever again."
9) They had turkey, fruit and vegetables, deer and pumpkin pie. 

Answers to the second video : 
1b; 2c; 3b; 4a; 5c; 6a

To finish this post and to connect to the second video, here you have a video of president Trump pardoning first first turkey. Don't miss it !

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