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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The history of St. Valentine's Day

Dear bloggers,
Here you have a video about the story of St. Valentine. Watch it and try to understand it, then click on the second video and try to answer the questions. Good luck  !


1) The Romans conquered Europe and parts of Asia and Africa because:
a) they were strong
b) they were rich
c) they were soldiers

2) The Emperor Claudius II didn't want  their soldiers to get married because:
a) he didn't like families
b) he thought families made soldiers soft and weak
c) families made soldiers lazy

3) St. Valentine:
a) married every soldier in the army
b) was in favour of the Emperor's law
c) helped soldiers in love to get married in secret

4) St. Valentine was sentenced to death because:
a) they didn't prey for him
b) he insisted on marrying soldiers
c) as soon as the emperor discovered his actions, he sentenced him to die

5) The jailer's daughter and St. Valentine fell in love:
a) at first sight
b) after he cured her blindness
c) after they had spent a long time together

6) From 14th February 270:
a) lots of people draw hearts
b) lovers write letters to their girlfriends
c) lovers sign their cards :'from your Valentine'

ANSWERS: 1A 2B 3C 4B, 5C, 6C
If you still feel romantic, you can have a look at my post with different ways to address your lover in English. 
See you around. I hope you have a romantic St. Valentine's Day. 

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