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Friday, February 24, 2017

The toughest English words to pronounce II : geography edition

At the beginning of the month, I wrote an entry about the toughest English words to pronounce . Now I'll be writing a similar entry, only this time about geographical words. English cities and villages are usually very difficult to pronounce for Spanish speakers of English, so in this post I did some digging regarding the pronunciation of the most difficult English places. To check the pronunciation, type the place in this webpage and you will hear how it is pronounced. You won't believe your ears. 

1. Norwich [‘nɒrɪʤ]
From :
2. Greenwich [‘grenɪʤ] : It's not Grin-wuitch. 

From : 
3. Dulwich [d˄lɪʤ] : As you can see, there is silent <w> in Norwich, Greenwich and Dulwich ! 
4. Leicester [‘lestə]

5. Edinburgh ['edimbərə]

6. Durham [‘d˄rəm]. As you can hear, the <h> is not pronounced...

7. Derby [da:bi] : Yes, it is pronounced with long 'a' not 'e'. 

8. Buckingham [‘b˄kɪɳgəm] : Contrary to what most Spaniards think, the <h> is not pronounced...

9. Worcestershire [‘wʊstəʃə] : The key here is to say it really fast ! 

10. Thames [temz] : Yap, incredible thought it may sound, this is London's river. It only has one syllable ! 

11. Celtic [‘keltɪk] : Have a look at its first sound. 

Well, as you have seen, geographical words are hard to learn... and pronounce. Anyway, if I forgot any other place surprisingly pronounced, tell me and I'll include it in my list. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The history of St. Valentine's Day

Dear bloggers,
Here you have a video about the story of St. Valentine. Watch it and try to understand it, then click on the second video and try to answer the questions. Good luck  !


1) The Romans conquered Europe and parts of Asia and Africa because:
a) they were strong
b) they were rich
c) they were soldiers

2) The Emperor Claudius II didn't want  their soldiers to get married because:
a) he didn't like families
b) he thought families made soldiers soft and weak
c) families made soldiers lazy

3) St. Valentine:
a) married every soldier in the army
b) was in favour of the Emperor's law
c) helped soldiers in love to get married in secret

4) St. Valentine was sentenced to death because:
a) they didn't prey for him
b) he insisted on marrying soldiers
c) as soon as the emperor discovered his actions, he sentenced him to die

5) The jailer's daughter and St. Valentine fell in love:
a) at first sight
b) after he cured her blindness
c) after they had spent a long time together

6) From 14th February 270:
a) lots of people draw hearts
b) lovers write letters to their girlfriends
c) lovers sign their cards :'from your Valentine'

ANSWERS: 1A 2B 3C 4B, 5C, 6C
If you still feel romantic, you can have a look at my post with different ways to address your lover in English. 
See you around. I hope you have a romantic St. Valentine's Day. 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

St. Valentine's Day : different ways to address your partner in English

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Next week is deemed to be the most romantic week of the year : bouquets of flowers, boxes of chocolates, romantic dinners,..Cupid is on the loose with his well-directed arrows. Are you lucky to have a significant other for next Tuesday ?
Well, I thought it might be a good idea to create a post with St. Valentine's vocabulary, you know, just for the sake of learning English. So let's begin :
1. Honey /  hon / hun : This probably makes reference to the sweetness of love or, for others, to the sickeningly sweet love. 
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2. My other half / my best half 
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3. My significant other
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4. Sweet pie / sweetie
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5. Babe / baby / bae (Before Anyone Else) 
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6. My (teddy) bear 
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7. My (honey) bun
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8. Darling / darl :
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9. Love
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10. My soulmate 
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11. My everything 
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12. Sweetheart
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13. Dearie :
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14. My true love 
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15. My plus-one
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16. My Valentine
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Well, at last I finished  this cheesy and lengthy post. How are you gonna spend your St. Valentine's Day  ? Do you use other 'nicknames' to address your partner that you'd like to share with us ? Anyway, if you don't have a partner yet, be patient. If you do, remember you must prove your love daily and not just on one single day. 

Have a nice St. Valentine's Day. 
P.S. If you want to learn the history of St. Valentine while you practise your listening, click on this link. 

Saturday, February 4, 2017

The toughest English words to pronounce

I am particularly fond of English phonology. Why ? Well, maybe because I love when things get messy and in the English language pronouncing can get really muddy sometimes. My students say English phonetics have no logic and although that is far from the truth, I sometimes believe they are somehow right. Pronouncing these words will make you sweat given that they defy all kinds of logic. So, I propose you a little game. You go through every word of this post and then you listen to the pronunciation in this wonderful webpage : It is quite an interesting page for you to continue improving English pronunciation. Let's get started : 

1. Mayor [meə] : A mayor is the person in charge of a city or town. It is not pronounced [‘meɪʤə]. In fact, it only has one syllable, exactly like this [meə]. This word is a homophone with 'mare', the female horse. Surprising, isn't it ? In addition, it is a paronym with major (important), pronounced [‘meɪʤə].
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2. Bury ['beri] :When you put someone or something under the ground. It is pronounced ['beri]. So be careful when you say the English word 'very', because it is quite similar ! 
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3. Busy[‘bɪzi] :It's an adjective that refers to someone who has a lot of things to do, or to a really frequented place. From busy, we have the word 'business' [‘bɪznəs].
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4. Woman : [‘wʊmən]  vs. Women [‘wɪmɪn]. Do you see how it changes from singular to plural ?

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5. Minute [‘mɪnɪt] Who would have said that 'sixty seconds' have two identical vowels ?
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6. Colonel ['k3:nl] : This rank from the army is surprisingly pronounced in two syllables and the vowel 'o' is nowhere present. 
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7. Halfpenny [‘heɪpni] : Although it is half a penny, it is pronounced [‘heɪpni].

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8. Hiccough [hɪk˄p] : The sound you make when your throat produces a spasm. Amazing though it may sound, it is pronounced with a final [p].
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9. Clerk [kla:k] : A person similar to a secretary that works in an office keeping records, typing,... In British English this word is pronounced with the vowel [a:].
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10. Gaol [ʤeɪl] : In British English, this is the word used for prison. In American English, they use 'jail'. Both 'gaol' and 'jail' are pronounced exactly in the same way ! 
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11. Choir [kwaɪə] : Yes, a group of people singing is a particularly strange word in English he he. It has a homophone 'quire' (stacks of paper). 

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12. Gauge [geɪʤ] : An instrument for measure. In American English, this word is pronounced in the same way but it is written 'gage'. Much more logical, isn't it ?
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13. Yacht [jɒt] : Yes, the letters <ch> are not pronounced...
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14. Vase [va:z] : A vase of flowers for the upcoming St. Valentine's Day. What a good idea ! It depends on where you are. If you are in the UK, you will have problems to be understood. However, in American English, the pronunciation of this word is [veɪz], so you won't have any problems. 
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15. Bass [beɪs] : This instrument is pronounced in the same way as 'base', so be careful and remember this ! You can also remember the song : It's all about that trouble...
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Well, enough for today. You have a lot of words whose pronunciation you need to memorise. From now on, try to pay attention and do not mispronounce these words. English is a challenging language and you need to overcome that challenge. Go for it ! 
 P.S. Next week I will continue with some tough geographical words to pronounce, In the meantime, if you want to keep learning about English pronunciation, do not hesitate to have a look at my tips for pronunciation. Stay tuned !