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Sunday, December 25, 2016

Boxing Day

What can you smell in the air ? Well, the Christmasy atmosphere, of course. Everywhere you look, all you see is Christmas related : the Christmas decorations and ornaments, the bells jingling, a wreath of holly on every door, Santa climbing all the people's windows and the streets of your cities overcrowded. What about your belly ? Do you feel stuffed like a turkey ? Have you eaten more than you can really digest ? Worry not ! In the UK, you'll continue eating tomorrow. The UK is celebrating an important public holiday tomorrow : Boxing Day
In this post, I will summarize some of its more important traditions : 
1) Families come together to eat Christmas leftovers
From :
2) Britons buy presents to thank other people : close friends, waiters... : Christmas and consumerism are closely associated. That's why Boxing Day exists ! In the past, it was an opportunity to buy presents and distribute them to the poor, but now it is only buying presents for spending's sake ! Something similar to the tradition of Secret Santa in America. 

3) Shopping centres offer outrageous discounts, making boxing day one of the busiest days of the year (much like Black Friday in America). Some stores may knock-off prices up to 80%, so it is really a good opportunity to get some bargains ! Finders keepers ! 

4) Football is watched once again :  Local football and rugby leagues are broadcast on TV. These competitions add up a lot of viewers (much like football on Thanksgiving). As you can see in the picture, football fans will dress up in a Christmasy mode. 

Here you have a video summarising all the traditions of Boxing Day :

If you want to keep learning more about this day or about Christmas traditions in the English-speaking world, click on the following links :

Well, how do you like Boxing Day ? Keep enjoying these days with your family and friends, that is the most important thing at Christmas ! 

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