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Friday, May 6, 2016

Text messages

As I promised in my previous post about abbreviations and initials, here you have some exercises about texts. In fact, what you have to do is to decipher the text messages or, in other words, transform them into actual standard English, he he he. Ready ?

1.   If   u    c’em  tell’em   Ill  b l8 xoxoxox

2.   c  u  @ the movies 2moro m8, lol

3.   yru    angry  ?    - coz I h8 u  :(

4.   RUOK? - Yap, Im gr8 THNQ

5.    BCNU 2nite

6.    i luv u

7.    i bought this 4u 2b :)

8.   i  dunno if they 1 the match

9.   ur sum1 special

10. I h8 qs

11.  I 8 sum food b4

12.  what r u doin’ @ the wknd?

13. THNQ 4 ur help  

14. phone’im ASAP!

Answers :
1. If you see them, tell them I'll be late (hugs and kisses).
2. See you at the movies tomorrow mate (laughing out loud)-
3. Why are you angry ? Because I hate you.
4. Are you OK ? Yes, I'm great, thank you.
5. (I'll) be seeing you tonight.
6. I love you
7. I bought this for you to be happy.
8. I don't know if they won the match.
9. You're someone special.
10. I hate queues / I hate questions.
11. I ate some food before.
12. What are you doing at the weekend ?
13. Thank you for your help.
14. Phone him as soon as possible.

To end this post, I would like to share with you a hilarious video about mobile phone addiction. I hope you enjoy it :

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