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Friday, January 15, 2016

It's raining cats and dogs

Hello there,
It seems that lately the weather is a bit rainy, to say the least. It hadn't rained for months but now water is flooding towns and villages again. You can't leave your house without an umbrella. I have already written a post about cold weather and a post about hot weather. So far I had never written about rainy weather and that's precisely what pushed me into writing this blog entry about rainy weather. I hope you learn a lot of expressions. Let's start :
Light-rain expressions: verbs to light rain. This time you won't need and umbrella

- It is spitting.
- It is showering.
- It is drizzling / drizzle has been falling.
- It is sprinkling / sprinkle has been falling.
- It is raining lightly / there will be light rain / a light rainfall / a misty rain.
- It is mizzling.
- It rained a few drops.
- A snow flurry.
- Light precipitations.

When it rains a lot 

- It is raining cats and dogs:This British expression is quite funny and that is why I chose as a title. You know in the past, the typical English cottages had roofs of straw. Cats and dogs would be on top of these roofs and when it rained hard, they would fall inside the houses. Is a funny origin of the expression. Don't you think ?

- It is raining heavily / Heavy rain was falling.
- It is pouring (with rain) / The pouring rain is flooding the streets.
- It is raining hard.
- The waterspouts destroyed some houses in the village.
- It was a torrential rain.
- The rivers are glowing due to some sudden cloudbursts.
- Downpours have caused floods and deluge in the city.
- There has been a heavy rainstorm today.
In this link, you may find some expressions about heavy rain all around the world. Interesting ! 
When you are really wet

- Clean the table with a damp cloth.
- I am soaking wet / sopping wet.
- I was suddenly drenched by a rainstorm.
- All my clothes are soggy.
- The towel was dripping wet.
- The sodden floor  / The floor was soaked with water.
- The roads were waterlogged because of the rain.

Harder precipitations
- It is snowing 
- It is hailing (hard snow)
- It is sleeting (half snow, half water)

Did you like all my rainy repertoire? Well, to conclude this wet post, I would like to share an idiom with you. It is a bit pessimistic, though. It never rain but it pours, which means that when you think nothing can go worst, indeed it will go way worst. I wouldn't like to say goodbye without being optimistic.The opposite of the former idiom is the sun always shines / it never rains forever which means everything will certainly improve, that there is a reason to be optimistic. Another interesting and optimistic idiom is to be as right as rain, which means 'fine,' 'alright.' I hope you will feel as right as rain now ! 


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