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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Animal idioms (I)

Hiya !
Today, I will not talk about violent idiomsidioms of food or idioms related to cold. Now that I have finished with the topic of animals with my students of 1º ESO, I thought it would be a good idea to round it up by adding some idioms about animals. Isn't it a good idea ?
I will begin with the most famous animals of all, cats and dogs, which are an endless source of idioms: 

- Cats have got nine lives : Yes, indeed. They have two more lives than Spanish cats. Cats are said to have nine lives because they are good at jumping and because they are supposed to be sacred animals (linked to the Egyptians) that were able to reincarnate more easily. 

- To take a cat-nap : To have a short siesta during the day

- To fight like cat and dog / like cats and dogs : This idiom refers to people that argue all the time, usually enemies or people with different opinions. 

- It's raining cats and dogs : It is raining heavily 
- Dog days : Extremely hot days in the summer 
- It is better to be a living dog than a dead lion : We mustn't be too brave or impulsive. It is sometimes better to step back and think about the consequences. (Spanish: 'los cementerios están llenos de valientes).

There are some idioms involving other animals. Here you can find my favourite ones: 

- Horses for courses : It is best to use the best person or tool for the appropriate work. You need a plumber to fix that pipe, you know, horses for courses (Spanish 'zapatero a tus zapatos.')

- You bet on the wrong horse : When you make a decision, you respect that decision until the end, and, finally, it was a wrong decision.

- The early bird catches the worm : If you are the first to do something, you will succeed (Spanish : 'a quien madruga Dios le ayuda'). 

- To kill two birds with a stone : To solve two problems at a time, just with one single action (Spanish: 'matar dos pájaros de un tiro.')

- The straw that broke the camel's back : The last thing that upsets you before you get really angry. (Spanish 'la gota que colmó el vaso).

- To be like a bull in a china shop : Be clumsy and noisy. (Spanish 'como un elefante en una cacharrería' or 'como un mono en un garaje').

Did you like the idioms ? Which one is your favourite ? Post it in a comment. 

P.S. I will be adding more animal idioms soon...Here you can find more animal idioms

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