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Thursday, August 6, 2015

The aims of this blog

Hi everyone,
Today I'm starting my blog. I have to admit that I'm not very fond of writing every day, but the idea of starting a blog has always been in my mind. Why, therefore, have I decided to devote my spare time to writing? There are several reasons that have led me to do this.
First of all, writing is good just for the sake of it - what others call 'therapy writing'. In addition, writing this blog in English will certainly help to keep the pot boiling. By writing, I will share with you all my discoveries about the English language, I will be able to delve into the different corners of English and its culture.
Secondly, being an English teacher, I will be using this blog to defend and promote the English language. As you know, English is a lingua franca spoken all over the world. It is a language that we can use to communicate everywhere (except, unfortunately, in a wide range of Spanish areas). Besides, the language is used in all domains: in business, aviation, science, commerce, research, economics... The use of English has become commonplace to succeed in this multicultural and multilingual world. However, other than being useful, English is a beautiful language by itself.
My objective as an English teacher, a speaker of English and an admirer of the English language is to transmit my love for this language not only for the purpose of international communication but mainly for its quirks. I have chosen the word 'quirk' because it is a combination of peculiarity and eccentricity. I will be writing this blog to highlight the quirks of the English language, that is, what makes the English language unique and - as the title of this blog suggests - quirky : its idioms, vast vocabulary and lexicon, its phonetic system,..., and I will also be sharing my experiences as an English teacher.
This journey begins here. I hope you will enjoy it with me as much as I enjoy using English!
See you around.

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