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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Brand new auto-antonyms

Remember last year I told you about auto-antonyms ? (click here to consult the post)They are contradictory words that have a meaning and the opposite meaning at the same time. Today I'm bringing you a bunch of brand new auto-antonyms for your delight. I hope you enjoy them : 
1. Drug : There are two types of drugs in English, those intended to cure an illness (medicines), and those illegal substances people get hooked on.
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2. Cool : This adjective is normally associated with good feelings : 'the film was cool', but it can also be associate to tension : 'a cool atmosphere.'

3. Leave : This verb means 'depart' but also to stay. 
I'm going to leave for England tomorrow. 
Please, leave my bag at home. 

4. Get : The jack-of-all-trades in English (see my post about the verb 'get'). It can mean 'but' or 'receive' :
I got Jane a wonderful present.
I got a wonderful present from John. 

5. Terrific : In the past, this adjective held the connotation of causing terror. However, now it means 'great.'

6. Sanction : It can have a negative meaning, indicating 'penalize' or 'penalization', but in other contexts, it means approval : the president granted him the official sanction for his acts (positive); he was sanctioned for drinking in the street (negative).

7. Wear : It is normally a positive verb indicating that something is strong and resist : leather wears well (it doesn't usually break easily). However, it can mean exactly the opposite : his jacket began to wear due to the  unclean conditions (=deteriorate).

8. Enjoin : It means prescribe and prohibit at the same time. 'The doctor enjoined the patient to rest.'  / The judge enjoined the father from visiting his son, because he was a drug addict.

9. Overlook : This verb normally means to ignore (the teacher overlooked the student's behaviour and that led to disaster); but in other contexts it can mean 'watch over' or 'supervise', as in 'the company has to overlook the hiring of personnel.'

Well, isn't English surprising ? Did you like the post ? Then post a comment with your favourite auto-antonym. If you want to learn something similar, visit my post about middle verbs.
See you next week.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Let's sing ! Every Breath You Take

Well well, the summer is gradually fading off and half of my holidays are about to finish. What better way to celebrate the end of July than singing and practising your English ? 
Today's song is surely going to be familiar to you : Every Breath You Take by The Police. One of the world's most famous songs ! With this song I intend that you practise your English collocations, in this case, verbs that collocate with some nouns. For example, in English, you don't raise a flag or put a flag up, but rather you hoist a flag. Why ? Simply because the verb 'hoist' collocates with the noun 'flag'. Amazing, isn't it ? 
What you have to do is try to fill in the gaps of the song before listening to it and then, listen to it and see if your predictions were true. Finally, have a look at the solutions and learn some collocations. Ready, steady, go !

Before listening try to predict the missing verbs in the song Every Breath You Take by The Police  Then, listen and check

"Every Breath You Take"

Every breath you ________ (1)
Every move you ______ (2)
Every bond you ______ (3)
Every step you ______ (4)
I'll be watching you
Every single day
Every word you ______ (5)
Every game you ______ (6)
Every night you _______ (7)
I'll be watching you

O can't you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart _______ (8) with every step you _____(4)

Every move you _____ (2)
Every vow you ______ (9)
Every smile you fake
Every claim you _______ (10)
I'll be watching you

Since you've gone I been lost without a trace
I dream at night I can only see your face
I look around but it's you I can't replace
I feel so cold and I long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby please

Every move you _____ (2)
Every vow you _____ (9)
Every smile you fake
Every claim you _______ (10)
I'll be watching you

* Bond [bɒnd]: A feeling shared by the same people that make them feel together.

Now, cover the lyrics and complete the collocations with the appropriate verb

1)      _________ your breath
2)      __________ a move
3)      ___________ a  bond
4)      My heart _____________
5)      __________ a game
6)      __________ a vow
7)      ___________ a night
8)      __________ a step
9)      __________ a word
10) __________ a claim

Any problems? Have a look at the verbs in the box

break (x2)           take (x2)      play       ache          say           stay        stake             make  

Solutions of the ten collocations 
1) Take your breath, for example, the views from the Empire State are breathtaking. 
2) Make a move (not 'do')
3) Break a bond (the opposite is 'make a bond')
4) My heart aches

5) Play a game
6) Break a bond (the opposite is 'stick to a vow')
7) Stay a night
8) Take a step (in Spanish we say 'give')
9) Say a word (not 'tell' or 'speak'). 
10) Stake a claim

Well, collocations are really important to check that you're progressing in English and that you are not thinking in Spanish anymore ! I hope you have learnt some good collocations today and that you have enjoyed this marvelous, catchy song. Anyway,if you want to keep improving your English with songs, click on the following links : The Police's Every Breath You TakeU2's I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking ForBruno Mar's Don't Give UpThe Cure's Friday I'm In LoveSmash Mouth's I'm A BelieverMichael Bublé's It's A Beautiful Daysongs related to peaceCold Play's ParadiseChristmas carolsChristmas carols IITracy Chapman's Fast CarGotye's Somebody That I Used To Know.
See you in August ! My second blogaversary is approaching !

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Let's discover the verb 'go'

Image result for the verb go
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Long time not see. Well, don't blame me. I've been on holidays and preparing wedding arrangements. Anyway, today I've decided to write an entry on one of the first verbs you got to know when you started learning English, the verb 'go'. I previously wrote entries on the verb 'have' and the verb 'get', so now it's go's turn ! Even though you may think that 'go' is an easy verb, it may as well turn out to be more complex than you can think. Let's begin !

1. 'Go' as a verb of direction 

This is probably one of the first basic things when you learn English. 'Go' is a verb of direction that usually takes the preposition 'to'. 'I usually go to the beach in summer.' However, there are some exceptions where the preposition 'to' is not needed : 'go home' / 'go somewhere' / 'go anywhere' / 'go everywhere'.
The verb go can take other prepositions of direction such as 'into', 'towards', 'around', 'up', 'down' ... 

2. Go + -ing to indicate physical activity
There are hundreds and hundreds of examples involving 'go' + ing for physical activities. In this case, the preposition 'to' is not needed either. I have divided the expressions into sports (most of them involve water or are extreme sports) and leisure activities. 
Image result for go jogging
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a) Sports :
Go swimming
Go skiing
Go skateboarding
Go rollerblading
Go ice skating
Go fishing
Go surfing
Go parachuting 
Go snowboarding
Go bungee jumping
Go jogging
Go trekking 
Go hiking
Go running
Go scuba diving
Go cycling
Go mountain climbing
Go rafting
Go snorkelling
Go paragliding
Go mountainbiking
Go canoeing
Go rowing 
Go sailing
Go kiteboarding

b) Leisure activities
Go shopping
Go window shopping
Go hunting
Go dancing
Go camping
Go sightseeing
Go bowling

3. Go for a +noun
This is a typically English construction not existing in Spanish. It is similar to the previous go +-ing, only this time the structure requires 'go for a' + a noun derived from a verb. There are a lot of examples :
Go for a drink
Go for a ride = go cycling
Go for a swim = go swimming
Go for a jog = go jogging
Go for a run = go running
Go for a drive 
Go for a hike = Go hiking
Go for a walk
Go for a stroll 
Go for a pizza / coffee / soda /snack...

4. Be going to + infinitive 
Future time is complex in English and there are various ways of expressing it, including 'will' and other modal verbs. One of the ways to express future in English is the structure 'be going to + infinitive'. That means the verb 'go' is conjugated in the present continuous and then a full infinitive (with 'to') is added. This structure can be used to talk about :
a) Fixed plans and arrangements : 'I'm going to get married in October' (or I'm getting married in October) / 'My sister is going to have her baby in August (or 'my sister is having her baby in August'). 
b) Predictions based on certain evidence : 'The sky is dark. It's going to rain.' / 'Be careful, that glass is going to fall to the ground !'
c) Intentions : 'I'm going to study and I'm going to pass all my exams.' (with 'be going to' you are being positive. It shows determination, willingness and commitment).

5. go and + infinitive 
This is another typical English construction. In English this structure is, in my humble opinion, far more common than go + to infinitive. Have a look at these examples : 
(1) 'If you want some food you can go and get it' / *If you want some food you can go to get it. 
(2) After some time, I decided to go and talk to her / I decided to go to talk to her. 

As you can see, the structure 'go and' sounds more English and is always correct. This structure is a clear indicator that you are progressing in your English  and that you are thinking in English and not in Spanish. However, the structure go + to + infinitive is used to indicate purpose and sounds odd in the first examples. It is more of a Spanish-like construction.

6. Phrasal verbs and prepositional verbs
This is getting more and more complicated. Now we get into the troublesome are of phrasal and prepositional verbs, which happen to be a total nightmare for most students of mine ! You take a certain verb and then add a preposition or adverb and the meaning of the verb normally changes this verb. Don't panic ! Phrasal verbs with 'go' are not the toughest ones, so let's get to discover some of the phrasal verbs with 'go'.

- Go out = This has three possible meanings. The first one is quite obvious, it means 'exit'. 'I went out of my house to breathe some fresh air.' The second meaning is related to romantic interest. If you go out with someone, it means you are dating someone. 'I'm going out with Jenny this afternoon.' Last but not least, the final and most uncommon meaning of 'go out' is extinguish and is usually linked to fire. The fire went out after some time. 

- Go away = This verb has two meanings. The first one is a synonym for 'leave' in informal English. 'He packed his things and went away'. The second one is similar but in involves 'going on a trip.' 'He went away for the weekend.'

- Go on = It means 'continue' and is a synonym for 'keep on' and 'proceed with'. 'He was tired but he went on swimming in spite of that.' 'Go on' is followed by -ing when you continue doing the same activity (like in the previous example) and is followed by 'to infinitive' when you start a new activity, for instance, 'after explaining the consequences of climate change, he went on to speak about the possible solutions for that.' 

- Go off = It is a synonym for 'activate'. A bomb can go off, but also an alarm clock ! But surprisingly it is also s synonym for 'break down' or 'stop' : 'The generator went off after the storm.'
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- Go by = This verb is related to time and it means 'pass', e.g. 'Two days went by and I didn't get an answer' (=two days passed).

- Go over something = Revise. You should go over your themes for the exam ! 

-Go back = Return. 'I have to go back home. It's very late !'

- Go up / Go down = Increase / decrease. Prices always go up and never go down.'

7. Go on a + noun 
That's yet another typical construction similar to 'go for a' It's pointless trying to translate from your language. Instead, you need to think in English to understand this construction and see how it collocates. Examples of this constructions are :
- Go on a diet
- Go on holiday 
- Go on vacation
- Go on a date 
- Go on a trip / journey
- Go on a binge alcohol
- Go on a killing spree
This structure is used when you are going to do an activity that is going to take some time and it somehow involves your commitment and willingness to do it. 

8. Go + adjective
This is a really complex structure in English ! The use of 'go' + adjectives indicates the result. It normally refers to a negative outcome and it indicates the result of an action and is close to the verb 'become'.
-The child went missing on Sunday (=disappeared). 
- His generosity always goes unnoticed 
- The girl went berserk/crazy when she heard the news.
- Everything went wrong

As you can see the verb 'go' is extremely important in English. To fully understand this verb, you have to stop translating from your mother tongue and start thinking in English or how the English speakers conceive their own language. I hope you have liked my post. Please, post a comment with your thoughts !
See you next week ! 

Monday, July 10, 2017

All about the US III : places to visit

Last Tuesday was the most important day for the US, July, 4th, aka Independence Day. Last year I wrote an interesting post about this day. This post was accompanied by the emblems of the US. Right now I will continue to honour the US (country which I'll soon visit during my honeymoon) and to do so  I have prepared an entry about the US most famous places and monuments. 


Henry Bacon build this impressive statue to honour one the brightest presidents in the US history, Abraham Lincoln who fought hard against slavery. Located in Washington, this regal statue is visited by millions of tourists every year. 

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New York is perhaps a busy, polluted city. However, in spite of that, it has an enormous park filled with green areas and trees. Considered the heart and lungs of New York city, it is considered one on New York's landmarks and must-see places.

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Located in San Francisco, this suspension bridge will look familiar to all of you, since it has appeared in countless and countless of films and TV series. Remember the TV series Charmed? Each chapter would begin by showing breathtaking images of this huge, amazing bridge. If you want to cross it and you don't like cycling, you'll have to pay a toll fare. 
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Nature is a rebel, unstoppable force and the Niagara Falls are the proof of it ! Distributed along Canada and the United States, these three waterfalls reach incredible heights and state the power -and beauty of nature. Wow !

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This one may be considered weird but, yes, it is what is looks like : four US presidents carved in the rock, namely George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. Why ? Just to attract tourists to South Dakota. Purpose fulfilled ! 
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Image result for LAS VEGAS

Who, on Earth, has never heard of Las Vegas ? : dazzling lights, luxurious hotels,lavish restaurants and shops and  tinkling sounds to attract all sorts of gamblers. It all makes sense, were it not for the fact that it all is in the middle of a desert. This city, today baptised as Sin City, has earned its reputation and is one of the most visited destinations in the US !

Located in the state of Arizona, aka, the Grand Canyon state, this majestic, impressive geographical scenery is the result of the erosion of the Colorado River. This area was originally inhabited by Native American who worshiped this sacred place. Beware ! Weather conditions are changing and temperatures can soar or dramatically decrease in the blink of an eye !

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This high skyscraper in the heart of New York city somehow symbolizes the grandeur of the Americans : the building that overlooks an entire city. Its height reaches 443.2 metres, having the honour to have been the tallest building in the world from 1931 to 1970. However, this immense height has drawbacks : some people have committed suicide by jumping from the top. 

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Probably one of the busies and most bustling spots in the world. This Square is filled with luminous billboards, advertisements and lights and is crossed by thousands of pedestrians every year. Most NY visitors take a photo in this singular spot ! 

This astonishingly high monument pays tribute to US first president : no other than George Washington.

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This spot is considered to be the place where magic is created. This is probably the father of all the theme parks in the world. This resort includes not only theme parks and attractions but also golf courses, water attractions and much more fun ! Perfect to get to know your favourite Disney idols face to face. 

This park hold the honour to be the first national park in the US. Along its more than 3,000 square metres, it is the witness of a wide range of geographical features such as canyons and valleys and it has a wide variety of ecosystems.

The US is a vast place to explore full of outstanding, quaint places. Which one is your favourite ?