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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Blogaversary III : blog catalogue and the future manifesto and fresh new ideas to come

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August is coming to an end alongside my holidays 😥. To give closure to both my vacation and the anniversary of my blog, I thought that it might be a wonderful idea to present all the entries of my blog up to now, divided in sections, to make them more accessible, and, at the same time, advance more blog entries that I will soon be writing. This is a great opportunity to spot all my blog entries divided into section so that you can catch up with the blog. 
So far I have written no less than 70 entries including this one and it has been hard but also rewarding and satisfying. The aim of the blog was to identify and signal the most beautiful and interesting quirks of English, so I divided it into 12 sections. Let's explain all of them and I will mention all the entries within each section and some future ideas for each section :

1. English quirks : In this section, I have explored the oddities of the English language, i.e. the features that make English a unique language. What quirks of English have I explored so far ? 
- Lexical creativity, or the English capacity and facility for the creation of new words.
- The Spanish expressions in the English language including words such as 'fiesta', 'siesta', 'vigilante' or 'persona'.
- Abbreviations and initials : Common abbreviations used in everyday language, such as 'aka' (also known as) or 'MIA' (missing in action).
- Homophones, that is, words written differently and yet pronounced in the same way, for example, words such as 'right' and 'write' or 'sun' and 'son'. Amazing, eh ?
- French influence on English : 'Vis-a-vis', 'fiancé', 'cliché' and many more other French words are commonplace in the English language.
- Interjections : Short phrases thanks to which we can express a wide range of feelings. Examples of these are Homer Simpson's catchy phrase 'd'oh', or more familiar ones such as 'hurrah' or 'cool'.
- Paronyms I and paronyms II : Very similar words, words that look like the same but have different meanings: economic (related to economy) and economical (cheap) are two examples or paronyms. To know more, click on the links provided. 
- Animal sounds in English and Spanish : Would it be surprising for you to know that animal sounds are perceived differently according to the culture ? That's right, indeed. In English birds say 'tweet' while in Spanish they say 'pio, pio'. Can you believe it ?
- Languages which have deeply influenced English : Although English has a remarkable identity by itself, it is, on the other hand, a compound of a great deal of languages including Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish... Click on the link to know more examples.
- Homographs : Words written in the same way but pronounced differently. 'Read' in the infinitive is pronounced differently from 'read' in the past and participle forms, but there are way more examples !
- 10 quirks about irregular verbs : Irregular verbs accompany us during our English learning process. If you want to know some curiosities about them, click on the link !  
- Blends : The English ability to combine two words together to create a new one. A two-word hybrid, indeed. 'Brunch' (breakfast + lunch) and 'smog' (smoke + fog) are very good examples. 
- Some quirks about the English language : Get to know some important curiosities of English.
- Onomatopoeias or words which represent a sound : bang, bang ! 
- Auto-antonyms : Contradictory words with contradictory meanings. 'Then' refers to a time in the past and a time in the future. Get to know more fun auto-antonyms.

Future entries :These are all the entries that I have written about the English quirks, but I intend to write many more about eponyms, antonyms, shortenings and clippings, proper names in English, compounds, the English accents and varieties, polysemy, prefixes and suffixes,...So, stay tuned ! 

2. Vocabulary : If you want to know some words, expressions and idioms, this is your section ! : 
Dog days : Vocabulary and expressions related to heat and hot weather.
- Freezing cold : Terms and expressions related to cold weather. 
It's Raining Cats and Dogs : Vocabulary and expressions related to rainy weather. 
- Many happy returns : Vocabulary related to birthday celebrations.
- Let's ditch exams : Vocabulary and expressions related to exams and schooling. 
- It smells of holidays : Vocabulary related to holidays and holiday destinations and activities.
- Joy all over my body : Idioms and expressions related to happiness. 
- The Crazy Story : Lexis about fairy tale characters. 
- Friday, 13th : Lexis and expressions related to good and bad luck. 
- World Peace Day : Vocabulary and symbols related to peace. 
- Christmas vocabulary : Vocabulary related to Christmas. 
- Animal idioms I and animal idioms II : Expressions involving animals.
- My niece is born. Welcome onboard : Expressions and vocabulary related to babies !
- Ouch ! These idioms really hurt : Idioms and expressions related to violence.
- Yummy yummy ! These idioms are really tasty : Idioms related to food ! Delicious ! 

Future entries : I am planning some entries on idioms of parts of the body, idioms of colours, vocabulary related to wedding celebrations and ways of saying hello and goodbye. 

3. Culture : A language cannot be separated from its culture. That is why I have included some entries about cultural elements in the English language :
- Emblems and symbols of the United States : the flag, the Statue of Liberty,...
- Independence Day : Important trivia facts about July, 4th. 
- Friday, 13th : some good luck charms, bad luck bearers and much more...
- April Fools' Day : Learn about the best day to pull some pranks...
- Easter is not only a Spanish tradition : Learn some funny facts about Easter. 
- Saint Patrick's : Learn about this important day for Ireland ! 
- Top 10 Halloween symbols : Discover something about Halloween !  
- Back 2 school : The school system in England ! Don't miss it ! 

Future entries : In the future I will continue to write about the most important cultural elements of the United Kingdom, influential people in the US, Remembrance Day and Gun Powder's Day.

4. Exercises and songs: Exercises to practise some of the points I write about. 
- Text messages : Try to decipher some text messages including abbreviations and symbols.
- Homophones : Some exercises to test if you know some homophones. 
- Easter videos : Practise your listening comprehension with some videos related to Easter.
- Same or different ? : Decide if certain pairs of words are homophones or homographs. 
- Christmas carols and videos : Practise your listening while learning about Christmas. 
- Test your knowledge about irregular verbs : Do you know the past and participle of all the irregular verbs ? Let's see ! 
- Exercises about blends : Discover the two words that originated the hybrid word. Fun !
- Let's sing : I'm a believer : Fill in the gaps missing in this famous song. 
- It's a Beautiful Day : Complete this song by Michel Bublé with modals and do other varied exercises.
- World Peace Day : Four songs about peace including Green Day's 21 Guns with exercises. 
- Cold Play's Paradise : Enjoy this song while you practise your English
- Fast Car : Enjoy this song by Tracy Chapman and improve your English !
- Somebody I Used to Know : This song by Gotye is not only rhythmic but very interesting to learn English.

Future entries : I will continue uploading more and more exercises including new songs for you to keep practising your English ! I am open to suggestions ! 

5. English vs. Spanish : I like comparing my mother tongue with my favourite tongue. So far I've only written these four entries :

- Films in the English language : Contrast between the titles of some famous films in English and Spanish ! Must-see entry.
- Interjections : Different interjections in English and Spanish. 
- Lost in Translation : Speaking English by mechanically translating from Spanish does not always work. Here you have some examples.
Animal sounds in English and Spanish : Apparently, an English dog sounds differently from a Spanish one !

Future entries :  I will keep on writing about this. In fact, I am preparing a contrast of idioms from Spanish and English and also examples of funny translation made by my students ! 

6. Grammar : English grammar is sometimes difficult but we all have grown accustomed to it. Here are the entries I wrote :
- Irregular verbs : Learn some quirks about irregular verbs. 
- Frolicking in the water : A surprising grammar rule that I discovered myself !
- The verb 'have' in seven stages : Learn everything about the verb 'have' which happens to be in the simplest and most complex structures.

Future entries : In the future I am planning to write about the most complicated grammar items in English. Besides, I will write about the gender in the English language and also about irregular plurals. In addition, I intend to write an entry about the verb 'do' and another one about some quirks of modal verbs. 

7. Literature : Reading is and has always been my pending subject. In spite of that I have managed to read four books during this year : 
- The Lord of the Flies by William Golding 
- Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Dafoe
- Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens 
- The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway

8. English pronunciation : Tricky, chaotic, difficult... We think of these adjectives regarding English pronunciation. Here are my entries :
- Same or different ? : Decide if these tricky words are pronounced in the same way or differently.
- The pronunciation of -ed forms : Learn to pronounce the regular past and participle forms. 

Future entries : Well, I am planning an entry about the most complicated words in English, another one about minimal pairs, another one about the flexibility in English pronunciation and a final one about the pronunciation of English in different parts of the globe.

9. Christmas : Probably the best time of the year. These are my entries so far.
- Christmas in the UK, the US and Spain : similarities and differences. 
- Top 10 Christmas carols : a ranking with a selection of carols. 

Future entries : Well, for next Christmas I am envisaging some entries about the origin of Christmas, Christmas celebrations around the globe and New Year resolutions.

 10. General stuff : Interesting information that do not belong to the previous aforementioned categories :

- The aims of the blog : the first entry of the blog containing my intentions when I started writing the blog. 
- The Crazy Story : A theatre play performed by my students of 1º ESO. 
- Fun resources to learn English : Some very interesting webpages to keep learning English.

Future entries : Very soon I will write two entries : one about the importance of the English language and another one about the importance of learning foreign languages.

11. Blog anniversary : How did I commemorate the anniversary of my blog ? :

Well, with this long entry you have a golden opportunity : to browse through each and all of the entries of my blog so that you can catch up. In September, I will be writing new entries and I expect you like them all and keep following my blog. It has been a wonderful anniversary and I am delightful to have written so many entries in a year and, most importantly, to be able to keep writing. And, last but not least, as the image above states, thank you for supporting and reading my blog.
See you soon ! 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Blogaversary II : Homage to the most successful posts of the blog

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Without even realizing it, we are in the middle of August and I have decided to keep celebrating my blogaversary, that is, the anniversary of my blog. Last week, I wrote a post about the least successful posts of the blog. This week I thought it might be a good idea to honour the most successful posts of the blog, so I have prepared a compilation of the most successful ones with links and a short description of what you can find in each post. 
Let's begin this ranking (do you think you can guess which one it is before starting ?) :

10. Lexical Creativity : The varied and surprising ways the English language has to create new words such as compounding, blending, affixation, clippings, loanwords from other languages... It is amazing to realize how easy and quick can English create new words (sometimes from scratch)  It includes a wide range of examples.  (65 views).

9. Friday, 13th :  The post delves into some interesting vocabulary and expressions related to both good luck and bad luck and some trivia facts about this day. Ideal if you are superstitious (67 views).
Image taken from :
8. Onomatopoeic words : Words that spring out of the sounds they produce such as 'burp', 'crash,' 'crack' or 'flip-flop'. Words are classified according to the type of sound produced (69 views) 
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7. The Crazy Story / I'm a Believer : Both of these entries are somehow recycled from material that I used (or experienced) with my fantastic and enthusiastic students of 1º ESO. The first one includes a video of a short story that they performed at school really well about a fairy tale which does not happen as planned. It includes a presentation with some of the most common fairy tale characters in English. The second one is the famous song I'm a Believer by Neal Diamond, a widely known song due to the film Shrek. This song is accompanied of some gap-filling exercises with verbs in the past and some grammar and vocabulary questions. A good way to practise your listening skill !  (78 views).

6. Somebody I used to know : Love relationships are always complicated. If you don't believe me, listen carefully to the song by Gotye and Kimbra. One of my favourite songs, only this time accompanied with some gap-filling, vocabulary and grammar exercises. Come on, give it a shot !  (81 views).

5. English phonetics and phonology. Some guidelines to improve your English pronunciation :  We all know that English pronunciation is somehow chaotic. Spanish speakers mistakenly conceive that there are no rules at all and, although this is partly, right, this post includes some 'tricks' for you to improve your English pronunciation and also a reflection on why English is so difficult to utter. (88 views)
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4. Animal Idioms II : I love animals ! They are cute, surprising creatures that we all need to respect and, on top of that, they are the stars of countless and countless English idioms and similes. Expressions such as 'to fight like cat and dog' and 'to be like a bull in a china shop' are common place in colloquial English. Stop by to get to know some of the most interesting expressions involving animals '(95 views)
P.S. I also wrote another blog entry about this which wasn't that successful. Anyway, I will present the link here so that you can learn even more expressions : animal idioms I.
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3. Let's ditch exams : The post revolves around whether exams are the best way to assess the learning process of students and what other ways of assessing there are. Besides, it includes some words that collocate with 'exams' as well as more vocabulary related to this (such as types of exams). (100 views)
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2. Spanglish : English has flooded Spanish languages and there are countless and countless anglicisms in Spanish ('wifi', 'compact disc', 'gaming', 'lunch' or 'cocktail' being some few examples). However, Spanish has also had a big influence on English with words such as 'fiesta,', 'siesta' or 'cafeteria'. If you want to know more examples, revisit this post. (102 views).
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And the winner and the most successful post of the blog (so far) is...

1. Many happy returns : A post with some interesting lexis and expressions related to birthday parties.Ideal if you want to wish someone happy birthday avoiding the same outdated expression. It includes some songs and videos. Since my birthday was two days ago, it is quite a current post. 110 views
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Did you enjoy these posts ? Do you think they deserve to be in the ranking ? Anyway, next week I will finish with my blogaversary listing all the entries I have written so far in the different categories. I am preparing way more entries that I will start to write in September. Until then, keep enjoying my blog and, above all, keep learning, speaking and listening to English. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Blogaversary I :homage to the least successful posts of the blog

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I officially started writing my blog one year ago, precisely on August, 6th, 2015, with an entry called "The aims of this blog" (you can also see it in the highlighted post on the right of the blog's main page). In that entry I started with these words : "Today I'm starting my blog. I have to admit that I'm not very fond of writing every day, but the idea of starting a blog has always been in my mind. Why, therefore, have I decided to devote my spare time to writing? There are several reasons that have led me to do this.
First of all, writing is good just for the sake of it - what others call 'therapy writing'. In addition, writing this blog in English will certainly help to keep the pot boiling. By writing, I will share with you all my discoveries about the English language, I will be able to delve into the different corners of English and its culture."

I have always tried to stick to the promise I made the first day and I have certainly done my best to keep up with that promise. 
Today is the blog's anniversary ! I have written no less than 68 posts (38 in 2015 and 30 so far this year) and received 6110 visitors. Most importantly, I haven't given up on writing for a year ! Yeah ! Let's celebrate it ! To honour this important date, I will list the top 10 least visited posts in case you want to have a look at them (some of these posts are super-interesting and I strongly recommend you visit them, so it is the perfect timing ! Do you like my idea of anniversary ? If you want to revisit the posts, click on the title !
OK, now ! Let's begin :

The Quirks of English's least visited posts

1. Christmas carols : A compilation of my most favourite Christmas carols of all time. Maybe you didn't like it because I published it during the Christmas holidays or maybe carols are boring, I don't know. 14 views

2. Blends and exercises about blends : One really interesting post that I think deserved more views. Combining two words together into one is really fun and English allows you to create interesting words like 'banoffee' ('banana' + 'toffee'), or blogaversary ('blog' + 'anniversary') Click on the links for more examples and practise with the exercises. 17-18 views.

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3. Exercises on irregular verbs : Some exercises to test your knowledge of irregular verbs in different levels. Beware ! Some of them are pretty difficult. This post was accompanied by another one : the quirks of irregular verbs17 views.

4. Animal language : Another very interesting post about the onomatopoeic sounds of animals in the English language and its contrast with the Spanish language. It also includes the action verbs that the animals make to produce their sound. Really interesting ! Don't miss it ! 19 views.

5. Songs in the Classroom. Fast car (by Tracy Chapman) : A really catchy song. The singer fondly reminds of her childhood and confronts it with her adult life. The song is accompanied with some gap-filling exercises and some grammar questions with answers. Totally advisable. 20 views.

6. Interjections.The practical way of expressing so many different feelings in short words and their contrast with Spanish. Expressions like 'shhhh', 'ouch' and 'd'oh' can be found inside. What are you waiting for ? 21 views.

7. Oliver Twist and The Old Man and the Sea : The first one is a review of the masterpiece by Charles Dickens about the poor unlucky  disgraceful Oliver Twist in the horrid London. The second one another review about Hemingway's work of art, where he explores values such as courage or the respect for the elderly. 21 views.

8. Thanksgiving and Halloween : Two posts showing the most typical elements during these American -and now worldwide known- celebrations. Get to know some of their quirks, emblems and symbols. 23 views

9. Frolicking in the water : A reflection of mine while I was having a bath in Sanabria. Meaning of the word 'frolic' and learning -or rather deducing - of a surprising, yet interesting rule of the English grammar. 23 views.

10. It's raining cats and dogs : Vocabulary and idioms related to rainy or snowy weather. Very interesting to enlarge your vocabulary if you travel to the always-rainy UK ! 24 views.

This anniversary is a good way for new bloggers to catch up on the blog. I can assure you that the posts (even though they are the less viewed) are really interesting and enriching, so do not miss the opportunity to reread them ! Anyway, we are on holiday and I do not feel like writing much these days, but fear not ! Next week I will be writing another blog entry, only this time it will be a compilation about the top 10 most visited posts. Until then, enjoy this lovely summer and please post comments. What do you think about the ranking ? What is the most interesting post in the blog ? 
See you next week.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

It smells of holidays !

It's August already !
August is a special month for me, given that my birthday takes place this month ! However, as you know, August is also the typical month for holidays. Not for everyone, though. I typically go on my trips in August, during the high season and this year I will do it as well. In no less than 3 days, I will be taking a flight to Berlin to put all my strain aside. Anyway, I thought this could be the perfect excuse to write a blog entry about holidays ! Let's begin : 

In case none of you had ever noticed, the word 'holiday' is a compound consisting of the words 'holy' (sacred) and 'day'. In the past, this word referred to religious days. Nowadays, on the other hand, the word 'holiday' depicts a period of time when one does not have to work. 

Holiday vs. holidays
Spanish speakers tend to use the word in plural due to interference with their mother tongue (where the word is hardly ever used in singular). However, in British English, the word is often used in singular, frequently accompanied with the article 'a'. We went to Berlin on our holiday.
The word 'holidays' exist in English but it refers a general period as in 'summer holidays' or 'Christmas holidays'.

ON holiday

The typical preposition accompanying 'holiday' is 'on' or 'during'
On my summer holidays, I went to Portugal.
During my summer holidays, I went to Portugal

Vacation / vacations

'Holiday' and 'holidays' are terms used in British English. In American English, they use the terms 'vacation' and 'vacations', the former being more frequent than the latter. 

Other collocations and vocabulary related to holidays

- Bank holiday / public holiday : It's a period when people do not have to work and generally there is no school during these days. 
- To have some days off : To have free days at work. 
- Package holiday / all-in package : A holiday where everything is included. 
- Holiday destination : The place where you go.
- Go on a trip  to/ take a trip to / make a trip to / organise a trip to...
- To be on one's way to...: This is a widely used expression. When I was on my way to Italy, I just remembered I hadn't switched off the TV at home. 
- You go on holiday to put your strain  (or stress) aside / to chill out / to relax / to get away from it all.
- Your holiday destination can be a busy / bustling / crowded / overcrowded / touristic place or a quaint / picturesque place off the beaten track  (calm place far far away).
To finish with this post, I propose a little exercise. I will post some pictures of some examples of holidays and you will have to guess the word(s) each picture is referring to.  The answers are down below. Ready, steady, go !!!

                   (1)                                         (2)



     (5)                                                  (6)


(1) Pilgrimage to Santiago. (There are two pilgrims)
(2) Go camping to a campsite. People sleep in tents in sleeping bags
(3) Go sightseeing and take pictures
(4) Summer camp
(5) Go hiking to the mountains
(6) Sunbathe / get a tan / get tanned (Be careful not to get a sunburnt / get sunkissed / get sunburnt. Use sun cream / sunscreen). 

Did you learn some vocabulary about holidays ? You can learn even more in this webpage. Moreover, you can browse through my post about holidays I wrote last year. How do you like enjoying your holiday ? I hope you are still on time to enjoy this lovely summer. As usual, please post comments. I would appreciate what type of holidays you like. 
P.S. The blog's anniversary is approaching. Stay connected !